Common nutritional challenges faced by individuals on the autism spectrum, and practical strategies for navigating them.
Author: nwadmin
Nimtaz was interviewed by Baby Bump Theory to discuss children’s’ eating habits.
To celebrate PCOS Awareness Month in September 2021, we would like to share a few of our success stories related to managing PCOS symptoms.
“It is about what the society tells you about yourself in many instances that makes you feel like you are not good enough.”
Complimentary Feeding
Full guide and tips on traditional and baby-led weaning.
Healthy living in the time of social distancing due to COVID-19/Coronavirus may not seem to be the biggest concern to many families, but it might just be.
Ramadan fasting amidst COVID-19
Nutrional Care by NW would like to offer practical guidance on healthy living during the Holy Month especially in light of the COVID 19 pandemic.
The annual health camp organised in February helped to foster perfect nutrition as it was fully tailored to meet the challenges parents face.
Don’t diet, change your lifestyle — that is the sustainable way to go.