
How lifestyle changes can help with managing PCOS symptoms

To celebrate PCOS Awareness Month in September 2021, we would like to share a few of our success stories related to managing PCOS symptoms.

To celebrate PCOS Awareness Month in September 2021, we would like to share a few of our success stories related to managing PCOS symptoms.

Here is what some of our clients had to say.

“I have been suffering from PCOS from a very young age and have experienced a lot of weight gain and loss. After I had 2 children, I was the biggest I have ever been.

“I started my weight loss journey with all kinds of diets and anything that I was asked to try to lose the weight. I was so desperate that I was even starving myself to lose it. And of course I walked and exercised like a crazy headless chicken! I was enjoying the numbers going down until I realised I had lost almost all the hair on my head and my skin went pale.

“Nimtaz then guided me on the right way to lose weight and get my PCOS in control by eating everything, not skipping any meals, and eating a well balanced meal at all times. She gave me a healthy meal plan that kept me full at all times yet brought results.

“I started enjoying my meals all over again. Together with the right exercise, I was in control of what I ate and how I felt.

“My size has reduced from XL to S and I feel much better about myself now. I feel more confident. My PCOS is well in control and I am off all medication.

“I never knew the saying ‘we are what we eat’ really meant we are what we eat. I am continuing to eat healthier and working on getting my children into healthy habits from childhood so they don’t suffer the same as me.”

“I have PCOS and have experienced a lot of symptoms such as weight gain and loss, irregular periods, mood swings, had a bad phase of anxiety after I got married. And after marriage I wanted to conceive, so my Gyno suggested I should work on a healthy and so there was no way I could go to anyone apart from Nimtaz.”

“Before starting off with Nimtaz, I tried varied kinds of diets such as Keto and many more. Tried different shortcuts for losing weight, but nothing helped. I would actually gain more than I would lose. This trend continued.

“Finally, I got the courage to contact Nimtaz and started my journey with her. I was so surprised and shocked with this lifestyle method, but it works! I started understanding what eating healthy meant – I started losing weight and getting healthier.

“She did not only guide me in changing my food habits but also advised me on getting into a workout routine that is good for PCOS and would help me in further losing weight. She also suggested Yoga to calm and work with my anxiety.

“To my suprise, with the change of lifestyle, I managed to achieve my goals and started to understand my body better. This could not be possible without her guidance and support every step of the way.

“I have started loving myself and gained more confidence in me. She did not just become my nutritionist but also my confidant, with whom I could share any problem and find help to overcome.

“And here I am today. I have understood what a good lifestyle means. I can enjoy everything I love to eat by being mindful. Nimtaz worked hand in hand with me to achieve my main goal and that was to become pregnant! Yes, I finally beat this and it would not have been possible without Nimtaz.”

Thanks for reading! Nimtaz Walji values healthier lifestyles and believes that we can achieve meaningful development by eating effectively.

Cover photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash.

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